Saturday, August 16, 2008

Life is full with hope

I always tell my friends, I like babies because I see life is full with hope when I see babies.
My niece, Alyssa is the first grand child of my parents. She is now 6 months plus old. Lots of hair, cute smile, fair skin, innocent, happy baby.....
While everyone struggling with work issues, money, loan, bills, relationship problems...everything is just too complicated. We need some simple and innocent life and while looking and playing with babies, we are able to forget all of the problems that we faced. Just a simple smile from them, just a hug from them, just a kiss from them...even by looking at them, your heart gets melted.
Ever thinking, we borned to this world as an empty glass. Everyday, we put some liquid in the glass. The glass keep filling with thoughts, ideas, happy moments, desires, problems....good or bad, we still need to face them one by one. Some people will choose to face with positive view while some people will face them with worries. And when we try to keep everything to our own, the glass is full. Then, we are hunger of new things as the glass is already full. So, if you need something new to come to you, pour the existing liquid in your own glass. Be positive and keep moving.
New life, new hope. Life is great if we have hope(s).

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