Monday, May 11, 2009

Contact lense ~ 110509

After wearing my spec for almost 20 years, finally I made my mind to join the contact lense world. I used to avoid wearing contact lense because I was kinda scared of it due to some incidents happened to my friends. So, what's made me changed my mind?

1) I found the incovenience of wearing spec during exercise. I am in love with yoga 2 years ago and attending yoga class has become my routine since then. If I didn't wear spec during the yoga class, I cannot see properly. If I wear the spec, as I sweat heavily, the spec will be very oily and slippery.

2) When you are out from a car with air cond on, your spec will be fulled of air. So, you will need to wipe your spec.

3) Last but not least, I want to looks more attractive when attending dinner. :P

I will still wear my spec during working hours as I will normally work for a long hours in front of a computer. I put on my contact lense the very first time on 11 May 2009. The feeling is just~cool. Now, I can see things very clearly without my spec, I have forgotten this feeling. I don't need to adjust back my spec on and off. And...and...I can show my eyes to everyone now. :P

I went for hiking that afternoon with my contact lense, although I was a bit dizzy (perhaps, it is the effect of the contact lense) but I felt so great. I can wipe off my sweat more easily now.

Thanks to the inventor....


嘉莹 said...

Wah, upload ur photos pls to let us see ur new look =P

又见燕阳天 said...

Oh...I'll take one during this saturday dinner then. I will still wearing spec during working hours.